In an effort to maintain the continuity of life, human effort, meet the primary needs of food. In the history of human life from year to year changes are also accompanied by changes in basic food needs. This is evidenced in some areas the original staple food is cassava, sago, corn, rice finally switch.
Rice is one of the staples of easy processing, easy-presented, tasty and value of the energy contained in it is high enough to greatly affect health.
Including the genus Oryza rice covering L approximately 25 species, scattered areas of tropical and sub-tropical regions such as Asia, Africa, America and Australia. According to Chevalier and Neguier rice comes from the two continents Oryza fatua Koenig and Oryza sativa L originated from Asia, whereas other types of rice Oryza Oryza stapfii Roschev and glaberima Steund come from west Africa.
Paddy is currently a cross between Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa f spontania. In Indonesia, the first rice crop of dry land area cultivated with field system, people trying to establish their business in a way basil irrigate areas less rainfall. Rice plant which can grow well tropical regions are Indica, Japonica whereas many sub-tropical regions diusakan
Paddy is a food-producing rice. This food is the staple food for most people in Indonesia. Although rice can be replaced by other foods, but the rice has value to people who used to eat rice and can not be easily replaced by other foods.
Paddy is one of the foods that contain nutrients and sufficient reinforcement for the human body, because the materials contained therein are easily converted into energy. Therefore, rice is also called energy foods.
According to Collin Clark Papanek, nutritional value required by every adult is a 1821 calori synchronized with the rice when the rice is needed every day as much as 0.88 kg. Rice food contains many substances including: carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude fiber, ash and vitamins. Besides rice contains some elements of minerals including: calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. fosphor.
nice post...!! thanks for the info...!! it's good to promote about our food, culture, & heritedge to the world ^^