Monday, December 21, 2009

Planet Mercury

WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY - The photographs that record the hidden planet Mercury finally sent the day after the Messenger spacecraft of the U.S. Space agency (NASA) flew toward him. With these photographs, scientists hope to uncover more distant planet closest to the Sun's.

Messenger flew within the closest distance at a distance of about 200 kilometers from the planet Mercury, Monday (7 / 10), the second of three times a similar mission. Received initial image showed a broad view of the area to the east.

The researchers hope to use these images to map the surface of Mercury. Expected to be obtained images with a number of nearly 1,200 pieces from flying across it.

The first mission was conducted earlier this year and the third mission next year. Data from Messenger's first cross flew in January and showed a large lava flows had shaped the planet and provides the first information on 20 percent of Mercury's surface.

In addition to photographing the area that is still foreign, fly near Mercury is also designed to get the encouragement of gravity for the Messenger to bounce. Spacecraft that will enter Mercury's orbit in 2011 in order to provide the most detailed picture of the planet.

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